Peter is a mischievous and charming young rabbit that abounds in adventures with his friends Lily Bobtail and cousin Benjamin Bunny in the lush Lake District of northern England, along with Squirrel Nutkin, Mrs. Rabbit, Flopsy and Mopsy, Cottontail, Mr. Bouncer and the fox Mr. Tod. The animated television series on ABC Kids is based on the Beatrix Potter children's books and the imaginative and adventurous rabbit since his debut in The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902 with new and exciting stories and toys that will stimulate your child's imagination. Explore the wonderful world of toys, gifts and merchandise of Beatrix Potter's enchanting characters and stories available at Funstra now. 'Let's go!'
Cuddle Peter Rabbit and Lily Bobtail with these super cute and cuddly giant size plush stuffed animals, as you hop around on adventures together.
Celebrate your birthday with Benjamin Bunny, Lily Bobtail and Peter Rabbit with a birthday party inspired by Beatrix Potter's timeless characters.
Imaginative play with Peter Rabbit figurines can take your child on whimsical adventures through timeless adventures in the Lake District with Peter, Squirrel Nutkin and Lily Bobtail plastic action figures
Let's Go! Re-create fun adventures with this secret treehouse playset with working lift, flip-over planning table, telescope and lots more fun features for your toy figures to explore.